Why a Truck Accident Lawyer is Critical to Winning

Why a Truck Accident Lawyer is Critical to Winning

Winning a truck accident case is no easy feat. In fact, if you don’t have a lawyer to represent you, it’s nearly impossible to win. There are several important pieces to your case that need be examined by an experienced truck accident lawyer. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that come into play with these cases.

Is the truck driver at fault?

Providing fault is the main component to a truck accident case. In fact, it’s the main component to solving any type of automobile accident. If you don’t have fault, it can be very difficult to win.

When we talk about fault, we want to prove that the truck driver was in the wrong. In other words, you need to prove that the truck driver caused the accident due to some type of negligence on his or her part. Maybe the truck driver was speeding or changed lanes without checking his or her surroundings. These are elements of the accident that will put the truck driver at fault. Now for the challenging part — proving fault with the proper evidence.

Witnesses are the key to success

If you cannot provide evidence of fault, you will not win the case. Witnesses are your best chance of providing evidence that will hold up in court. If the truck driver is going too fast or out of control, and you can prove it with eyewitness statements, then you have a better chance to win.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind: truck accident cases are tough to win. These trucking companies have some of the best lawyers in the country that represent the insurance company. These lawyers will leave no stone unturned to make sure that they do everything possible to defeat all truck accident claims that come across their desks. For this reason, gathering witness statements is vital to improving your chances of receiving some type of compensation.

It’s no secret that injured people who don’t have an attorney will lose every time. Having the right lawyer that will fight for you will make all the difference in a truck accident case!

If you were the victim of a semi-truck accident here in the state or Oregon, contact us today at Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Accident Injury Attorneys for a free case evaluation. You can also reach us directly at: 1-800-285-8678. With over 100 years of combined experience, our team of highly skilled personal injury attorneys will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve!

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