Do I Need To Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?

Do I Need To Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?If you or someone that you know was the victim of a truck accident, there’s a good chance that severe injuries were sustained. This is the unfortunate reality when these large semi-trucks are involved. Due to these injuries, you need financial compensation to support the previous medical … Read More

Fighting Back Against Trucking Companies: Why you NEED a Lawyer After a Truck Accident

Why you NEED a Lawyer After a Truck AccidentWhen a large commercial truck (like a semi-truck or flatbed truck) gets into an accident, the damage that occurs is often devastating. The reason is because these trucks are so BIG. Many of them often way close to 80,000 pounds once they are loaded with cargo. Cars, … Read More

Why Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer Immediately After an Accident is Important

Oregon Trucking Accident We often deal with a large number of trucking accidents. These are cases involving big rigs and 18-wheelers throughout the state of Oregon — usually on the main freeways where truckers frequent most. As you can imagine, accidents that involve trucks and pedestrians in smaller vehicles can be quite catastrophic. These cases … Read More